Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock

48 hours from now I'll have my spacers. I'm a little tense. I won't lie. I have heard stories that the spacers can be the most difficult and painful part. I do not remember them from when I had braces the first time.

I'm going to take precautions and get a lot of soft foods. I plan on ice cream, applesauce, pudding, oatmeal, soup and yogurt.

I have 16 days until I get the braces. *tenses*

I am hoping that this is I have "much ado about nothing" and it'll be easier than expected. I hope so.

I keep thinking, "eyes on the prize" and focusing on the hope that the braces will do their job and that it prevent more strenuous and drastic measures to fix my jaw issues.


Two more days.


  1. Hi there, I am terrified and just turned 30! I never had braces before and scared I won't open my mouth for 18 months. What type are you getting?

  2. Thanks for reading Cranky! I'm getting regular steel braces on all my teeth. Because I may have some complications, IE jaw surgery later, the OD felt that they would hold up better if I needed my mouth wired shut. We're hoping it doesn't come to that, but I'd rather just put up with the metal rather than get part way done and then have the acrylic pulled off and then metal put on anyway.

    I will not be getting the Damon brackets (they don't need the bands) just the regular steel ones.

    Don't be scared. It's normal to be nervous, Lord knows I am, but I have faith that it will all work out and I trust my OD.

    From what my friends say the spacers are the worst...and I'm going through them now, and if my friends are right, the rest will be a piece of cake.

    The first couple of weeks are rough as you need to build up callouses or tougher cheeks where the braces rub, but once you get used to them you really don't feel them as much as you think you would...or at least that's how I remember them.

    Stay tuned only 7 more days till I can tell you for sure.

  3. Oh also, sorry for taking so long to realize you had left a comment....never thought anyone would, YOU ARE MY FIRST COMMENTER!

    I promise not to be so negligent in the future.

  4. HAHA, good morning Gail and it's fine and I am happy that I checked back.

    I understand the reasoning behind getting the metal ones and hope you won't need surgery. I wanted to get invisalign but I am not a candidate for the issue I have so I will be getting ceramic on the top and might need metal for the bottom, we will see.

    Thats good about not needing bands. I trust me OD as well but a single 30 year old in NYC? Not sure how much dating I will be doing with braces,lol.

    Yes, I heard the spacers are very painful and happy I didn't need them.

    Yes, I heard you feel a tightness in your mouth for the first few weeks and can't eat anything hard or that will be difficult to chew.

    I haven't decided on a date I just keep pushing it off. Please let me know how it goes and good luck!

  5. I got the one spacer adjusted when I went to have the brass one replaced and I feel so much better.

    Very little pain right now...

    I've resolved myself that this is the best path for me. The long-term consequences if I don't will make it worthwhile. One-two years of having a tin grin verses a life of pain and maybe losing my teeth...easy decision.

    However, very apprehensive right now....

    my only advice is...don't wait. Do it sooner rather than later. I know now that had I had the jaw alignment correct properly the first time, I wouldn't have the TMJ problems I have now. I know there'd be less improper wear on my teeth and I'd be a lot less pain.

    It's not a decision to take lightly, but if you're doing it for medical reasons not cosmetic, just go for it.

  6. Glad to hear you are doing much better and have very little pain.

    HAHA, very true and it is an easy decision but still not an easy step to take.

    I think you are right and will call to make another appointment tomorrow and take it from there.

    I am doing it for medical reasons, I have some spaces in between a few teeth and this is the only way to properly correct the issue.
