Friday, February 19, 2010

Feeling Special

Not only was I published in USAToday this week, I was quoted/referenced later in the week!

If you read the comments, Whitney also says:

USA TODAY Staff Whitney Matheson wrote:
That was a great Pop Five ... it reminds us that comedy can be found everywhere, even through horrible and bloody tooth torture!

It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

T-Minus 34 days until braces....(20 Days until I get the spacers)

I imagine unless something happens, I won't post until closer till then....

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dentistry gets me mentioned in USAToday!

A friend of mine, Whitney Matheson, is a pop culture writer for USAToday and every morning she includes a submission of a "Top 5" list submitted by a reader.

After all the dentistry drama I've been going through, I started remembering a bunch of comedy skits/shows that made me laugh. So I created a top 5 list of comedy moments in dentistry...

She published it.....and I hope you enjoy it....

It almost makes getting braces worth it!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Teeth in Question

As promised, here's the "Mugshots" of the "Offenders".

First Appointment

I had my first appointment with the orthdotontist today. He's a very nice man and his staff is polite, fun and professional.

I decided to go with the stainless steel braces rather than the clear. I may have some "complications" that would be better dealt with steel over the clear. I am not so vain that I'd be that worried by the metal.

It's costing a little more than I expected, but with the "complications" I understand why.

I had my impressions taken today. They were NOT bad. I had remembered them from when I was a kid as the worst part. I remember how rough that orthodontist was and how I kept gagging through the entire process and that it seemed like it took forever. Today, it was less than a minute per tray. The technician was gentle and no gagging.

Then I had a series of panaramic xrays and pictures taken. I asked for copies of the pictures so hopefully, eventually I'll receive them in my email and can post thost here.

In one month, I go to get spacers put in between my back teeth. These will make room for the bands that will hold onto the back teeth. Two weeks after that, I will get my "tin grin".

I must admit, I was hoping to get them on sooner, sooner on, sooner off...but I will have a vacation in the middle of the two weeks and they recommended not going on vacation with the spacers in place. If the spacers would break or pop out I wouldn't have a way to get them fixed while gone.

So. T-minus 45 days of freedom to eat gooey, chewy, crunchy stuff....

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Before Shot

I was messing around with the camera on my new iPhone and took a picture so you can see what I'm working with...

As you can see, my front teeth do not meet, called an open bite and on the right side (of the picture) the top totally overlaps the bottom. I also have a large space on the bottom where my lip often gets caught.

I'm excited to go to the orthodontist on Monday and start the process. I am hoping that they can get the braces on my teeth before I go on vacation. I keep thinking, "sooner on, sooner off."

The big question is, if I get rubber bands, do I go with "clear" or bright colors? Lol. You just have to have fun with it. When this is all done, I'll look better, hopefully, it will make my mouth feel better too. *crosses fingers*

In the words of the Black Eyed Peas, "Let's Get It Started"!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Going back in time

How appropriate that on Ground Hog Day, I feel like I'm going back in time? A case of deja vu like Bill Murray in the movie "Ground Hog Day". I had braces when I was a kid. Now through a series of events, I'm getting them again, at age THIRTY-SEVEN.
It was an easy choice. My bite has become "open" meaning my front teeth do not meet making it hard to bite off things like bread. Additionally, they are misaligned in other ways. This is causing undue pressure on my jaw and pain.

We hope that by correcting my bite, we can releve some of the pain. I'm looking forward to being able to bite off a piece of bread, but that's just the 'carb lover' in me. ;-)

I go to the orthodontist in just a few days to have the consult (I was referred there by an oral surgeon, due to the jaw issues) and have the impressions made. We'll then make our plan of attack.

I'll admit, I have some apprehension. Who wouldn't. How do I get up in front of people at work with a tin grin? Do I stay serious and get plain rubber bands or go for the funky colors?

I know logically that it's the right thing to do and a means to an end but, I keep having flashbacks to my teen years.

The orthodontist I had back then, I didn't like. I didn't have a choice or voice in picking him. He was not a pleasant person and I hated going. It's hard to comply and do the things you are supposed to to help your treatment when you can't stand the person you have to see so often.

I am hopeful (as my friend has gone to the new guys) that these people will be professional and help me toward my goal: straight, aligned teeth will much less jaw pain.
ADDED: I was reviewing my post and realized there is even more "deja vu" in my life. I recently joined the Alumni choir at my high school. We range in age from people who graduated last year to even fifty years ago. We perform at the concerts with the kids. Then, I started piano lessons, something I've always wanted to do, but never had a chance to do before now.
So to sum it up:
I "went back" to high school
I'm taking piano lessons
I'm getting braces
My poor husband is going to think he's married to a teenager!