Friday, May 28, 2010

Week 9, it's about time!

Sorry for the late post...I've been killing myself at work and home so I haven't had a moment to try to post...(excuses, excuses)

This week really didn't seem to bring that big of changes. I had been hoping that things would move as fast as they did the first week with my braces. I guess I can't expect them to move so fast I need the wire clipped in eight days with every adjustment, right?

After Monday, I really haven't had any pain and no blisters to speak of. Things seem to be going well, not that I'm complaining.

Without further ado, I bring you my pictures...

The First Day

Week Nine

WOW! I just noticed that I have roughly 666 days until I get my braces off. eerie.

Monday, May 24, 2010

First Adjustment! Ouch!

Well, I know I missed my self-imposed Thursday posting, also the day of my first adjustment, but I have good reason. My eldest dog had major surgery so I was a little distracted first with the surgery, then her recovery and after care. She is fine so now, I will post the pictures...I know you've been waiting with bated breath! (ha!)

Day I got braces:

After first adjustment and new arch wire:

To me, I can see a lot of changes especially when you look at the level of the top teeth. they are so much closer to being even as compared to the first day. You can really notice the difference if you see the hitch in the wire on the first day on the left side of the picture (right side of my mouth). The canine on the bottom of that side is also rotated more into line as well. There is also additional spaces on either side of the front teeth on the bottom. The top teeth are almost in line now, whereas when I started one over lapped the other.

The Orthodontist was very happy with my progress. They "upped" the gauge of the arch wire. It's thicker now.I picked the purple bands again as well, I like them. Also, I go back for my next adjustment July 1st so I'll likely pick a more patriotic blue then. ;-)

With the thicker wire, I fully expected that it would be more painful than the first day. Surprisingly, it was only really sore for about 24 hours. It hurt enough at bedtime that I was sweating so I took Tylenol PM and went to sleep. When I woke up Friday morning, I was in a world of hurt. I think things were made worse by the sinus infection I have, the stress of the teeth moving pressing against sore sinuses wasn't too fun.

I took a decongestant, some Tylenol and went back to sleep. When I got up, I felt much better with only 2 or 3 really sensitive teeth.

Now I'm down to one tooth that's "touchy" as long as I don't bite, chew or pull with it, it's OK.

I'll take that. I mean when I first got my braces it took a full month for me to feel as good as I do now. If it stays like this, this "braces thing" won't be so bad after all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tomorrow....a new wire

Well by tomorrow at this time I'll have my new wire. How sore will I be? Will I be back on my mashed potatoes diet? What color bands should I pick?

So many questions, no answers. Do I stay with the purple bands? I know I like them. Should I go with patriotic blue for Memorial Day and the 4th of July? A different shade of purple? Black? Hot Pink? The choices!

I must also mention, I startled myself this morning. I glanced in the mirror and realized that the one side of my bite is almost closed already! it's so close that I can't stick the "christmas tree" brush between my jaws there! it's never been closed before...

I am so stunned with how much my teeth have moved! I'm amazed they've gone so far in such a short amount of time! If they keep moving closer like this, may be I won't need to have surgery to "realign" my jaw! I do NOT want to have my skull sawed apart if I don't have to!

I feel so much more hopeful that I did when I started this process. While I am a little hesitant about the pain I may feel after the adjustment tomorrow, who wouldn't, but may be it won't take two years after all?


Oh, one more thing, I found a product, while somewhat "wasteful" plastic wise, that is very helpful to have. They are waterless toothbrushes that have a "bead" of mouthwash in them. They do not replace regular toothpaste and a brush but are very handy to keep in your pocket for when you're out and about and don't feel like brushing in a public sink.
They come in little plastic and foil packs of 2 that have a brush with the mouthwash bead on one end and a rubber pick on the other. I like to keep them in my purse/pocket for use when I'm somewhere and am unable to either get to a bathroom to brush traditionally or just need a quick "once-over" to clear my braces. They're a little on the spendy side, but they are very handy to have and I'm thinking that it'll make travelling much easier.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seven Weeks

Moving right seems like things are moving very fast. May be not as fast as in the beginning, but still chugging along. I was sort of down this week, feeling like not much had changed. I've begun to associate the pain with movement, so to me, pain is good. It means something's moving.

This week, very little pain. VERY LITTLE. Does it mean they've stopped? My first adjustment is next even if they have stopped, it's only for a week, right? Why do I feel kind of panicked? I almost WANT them to hurt. If they are hurting they are moving, the more they move may be the sooner I can get done! (that's my warped little brain thinking that I'm sure, I know the ortho said 2 years...but still)

Here is my picture from the first day:

And here is my 7 week anniversary picture:

Here I've marked it with what I think are the biggest changes:

1. On the far left you can see how much that tooth has straightened out and started moving down.

2. This too, too, has turned more straight and is aligned. The space that was forming behind it is gone.

3. This to me is the 2nd most dramatic change. In the first picture you can see how slanted it is and how big of a difference there is between the bottom edge of this tooth and the front tooth. Now, it's very nearly level with the front tooth! It's also almost in line and no longer crooked or overlapping the front tooth.

4. The is the BIGGEST change! This tooth has been pulled down so much it is almost in the right place! I was absent-mindedly chewing on the straw to my soda yesterday at lunch and instead of being able to slide right out as it always had (since my teeth have never met in the front)...I was able to hold onto the straw! For most people, that's not a big deal but for someone who's had an open bite most/if not all of their lives, it's a big deal to be able to bite something and hold onto it.

Despite all of the pain, discomfort, blisters, all of it, I'm am so happy that I decided to do this. I can see how nice it will look, how much better I'll be able to bite and it's only been the first seven weeks. It's not easy but I KNOW it will be worth it.

Now the big question for next week...what color bands should I pick? ;-)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Week 6 update

Well here it is, Week 6.

The pain is significantly less, I only have one or two sensitive teeth. The blisters on the inside of my cheeks from where the braces pinch them are mostly gone. It's been a good week. It's still weird to pry my lip off of my braces where it's been embedded if I roll over onto my face during the night, but it's not too bad. I say this, realizing that it's less than 2 weeks until my first adjustment. I'm just hoping that they don't get as sore as they did the day I got them.

So here's my comparison pictures:

The day I got braces
and From Week 5, just to show I don't see much change from last week.
What I notice the most is the closing of the open space between my top and bottom teeth. It's kind of cool to see how much they've moved and it also explains why I can't "rip" with my front teeth anymore. I have a LOT of problems trying to bite/rip bread. Since I can't give up my bagel sandwiches, I've resorted to cutting them apart...but I'm coping.
Next week I'll be getting ready for that first adjustment....I'm excited. While I anticipate more pain from the new wire, it also means I'm closer to finishing. Approximately 688 days till I get rid of these things! (hopefully!)