Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 47, Good News and a Delay

The good news?  I'm very close to being done. The bad news, I have to delay things 6 weeks. I will be traveling out of the area for 6 weeks, so when the Ortho said that I was to come back every 2 weeks to have the bottom closing chain changed out so that my bottom teeth will finally close the gaps. No damage will be done by waiting, it will just delay the date as to when they come off. Trust me, my follow up appointment is scheduled for the day after we return. I really want to get these blasted things off!

This closing chain is very strong. It should be called the "instant headache" chain.

That aside, I'm getting excited that when I get back, in the next six weeks or so, I will be at the end of the most painful part of the journey.

As I do every week, here are the pictures:

First Day

Week 47

They really  are starting to look good, aren't they?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 46

Well I'm I thought I'd post a picture. Everything is pretty darn straight. The roots included. The only problem right now is the spaces on the bottom. If you look, on the top is the standard chain and on the bottom is the closing chain.

First Day
Week 46

As you can see, I've come a long way...just a little farther. I have the appointment for my adjustment later this week and may be then, I'll get a date or estimate of when I'll get these things off.

I also wanted to mention, that while cleaning out my mother's house, I found a picture of me with my retainer from the first time I had braces. I realized that the IDIOT that did the braces back then, didn't ever close the open bite. I'll have to scan and post that picture when I get a chance.

I wish, looking back, I knew then what I know now, I'd sue for malpractice.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm so sorry I haven't posted for a while. I "retired" from my job at the end of November, ok it was a glorified quitting with a teeny tiny stipend every month...then I went on vacation for 3 weeks...then Christmas...then my mom was in the hospital for 3 weeks before she passed away. :-(

It's been a long, tough road.

This all being said, my teeth have been in a holding pattern. I have gotten rid of the blasted vertical rubber-bands....but until the last 5 weeks, my bottom teeth have been refusing to close the gaps. This is the last thing keeping me from getting rid of the braces.

In December, they did another panoramic  x-ray and all the roots are straight.

The gaps on the bottom have stayed.

But the ortho got tough with them! The other "power chain" they were using was made sort of like this:

The "closing chain" is made like this:

It is very strong and with no spaces between the loops it pulls very HARD.

I'm now down to one small gap between the center two teeth on the bottom and that's it.

I don't have a recent picture...but will post one later this week.....

I promise to try to get back to posting on a regular basis now that things are calming down.....