Friday, June 11, 2010

Week Eleven, I'm in Heaven...well not really...

Well, here we are, week eleven. *sigh* I still haven't needed to have my wires trimmed. The first wire needed trimmed after only 8-9 days. Here I am, two weeks later and no need for trimming. *sigh* I guess this just means the movement has slowed down. *sigh* On the plus side, that does mean my mouth is a LOT less sore than it was before and I can eat almost normally.

I do, however, notice the tooth on the bottom (marked by red arrows on the picture below) is bumping the one above it now. It seems that they are aligned in such a way that they touch. It's very weird to see my bite closing and getting your lip/tongue caught there where they could slip through before!
I'm also getting new abrasions along my the inside of my lips, so I suppose this means everything is moving slowly together to touch new uncalloused areas of the inside of my lips. No big deal, a little Peroxyl for a day or two and they are all better.
So here's this weeks pictures:

First day

Week 11
Week 11-Marked
I also feel much more self conscious right now. With the one side of my mouth "closing" the gaps, to me, I think my mouth looks VERY lopsided. VERY lopsided. I know this is temporary, but I feel "ugly" about it. I just don't want to smile much right now because I feel like my face is crooked. It's not as apparent with my "just the mouth" pictures, but if you saw it in proportion to my whole face (sorry no face shots) it really looks "off".
I guess for a few months, I'll just smile like the Mona Lisa.

*ADDED I just posted then looked at the pictures. If you compare the first day picture to this week's, is it just me, or does my mouth look wider? To me, in the first picture my teeth look VERY narrow--especially when you look toward the back to my mouth. I think it looks like it's getting to be more of say an upper case D shape as opposed to a lower case b know what I mean?

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