Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week Eighty-Three BIG NEWS

Well I have some awesome news....after 580 days I finally got the news I've been waiting for...THE BRACES ARE COMING OFF! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE BRACES ARE COMING OFF!

I'm so relieved. The last few weeks have been tough, trying to do the final tweaks...but yesterday I was given my 'parole' date, November 9th! On the 9th I go in, they remove the braces, polish my pearly whites and take impressions. The next day I go in to pick up my Hawley Retainers. These are what you think of when you think of retainers, plastic and wire. After a few weeks of allowing my bite to settle, I'll be given clear ones similar to the Invisalign braces to be worn during the day.

I'm so excited, over the moon.

So after all this time, just a reminder of how far I've come.

First Day....

Week 83--Look how beautiful! (And Halloween colors to boot!)

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