Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm so sorry I haven't posted for a while. I "retired" from my job at the end of November, ok it was a glorified quitting with a teeny tiny stipend every month...then I went on vacation for 3 weeks...then Christmas...then my mom was in the hospital for 3 weeks before she passed away. :-(

It's been a long, tough road.

This all being said, my teeth have been in a holding pattern. I have gotten rid of the blasted vertical rubber-bands....but until the last 5 weeks, my bottom teeth have been refusing to close the gaps. This is the last thing keeping me from getting rid of the braces.

In December, they did another panoramic  x-ray and all the roots are straight.

The gaps on the bottom have stayed.

But the ortho got tough with them! The other "power chain" they were using was made sort of like this:

The "closing chain" is made like this:

It is very strong and with no spaces between the loops it pulls very HARD.

I'm now down to one small gap between the center two teeth on the bottom and that's it.

I don't have a recent picture...but will post one later this week.....

I promise to try to get back to posting on a regular basis now that things are calming down.....

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