Friday, August 20, 2010

Week Twentyone

Well, here we are week 21. The major soreness was gone by the end of the weekend, much to my delight and surprise.

The only thing I really notice now that the "crunching" of my molars moving has stopped is that the hook for my rubberbands, on the lower right front of my mouth is now catching my lip. What's that all about? It's kind of just annoying, but I can't even wax it during the day because it's very visible.

Oh well, it's not causing a blister or anything so I shouldn't complain.

Edited to add: if you look at the hook, the tooth has moved forward and the angle has changed, ever so slightly....I think that's why it's starting to catch...

As always, my pictures:

First Day

Week 21

You know, it just amazes me, it's only been 148 days and look at all the changes! One side of my open bite is mostly closed and really, they are getting very straight. If they are this good now, I can't wait to see how great they will look in approximately 583 days! *sigh*

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